LP Siding Then and Now – Learning From The Past, Building For The Future

LP Siding Then and Now Learning From The Past – Building For The Future When considering options for your new home or looking at what’s installed on a home you plan to purchase, one material that may show up is LP siding. This article plans to explain what it is, what were some of the […]
How Much Does A Home Inspection Cost?

How Much Does A Home Inspection Cost? The true value of a home inspection and the cost of going with the cheapest option! Among the many steps in purchasing or selling a home, perhaps none is as important as a thorough home inspection. The importance and the value of this step is often not taken […]
Your Complete Home Inspection Checklist

Your Complete Home Inspection Checklist Understanding Home Inspections – Your Complete Guide As a prospective home buyer, a home inspection is one of the most important parts of the entire process of buying a house. A home inspection allows you to confirm the overall structural integrity, quality, and functionality of the home you’re interested in […]
How to Really Find the “Best Home Inspector Near Me”

So you’ve decided to buy or sell your home. You’ve made a great decision to have the home inspected. Now you have the task of finding the best home inspector. With so many inspectors out there, how do you choose the right one? Here are some tips to help you really find the best home […]
6 Ways to Take Back Your Indoor Air Quality!

Recognizing the importance of indoor air quality testing is essential for safeguarding the health and safety of our households. Often overlooked, the quality of the air we breathe indoors significantly impacts our overall well-being, potentially harboring harmful pollutants like dust and chemicals. Taking proactive steps to improve indoor air quality is crucial in preventing a […]
Ask Your Inspector About CSST

Ask An Inspector Question: What’s that yellow stuff? Answer: It’s a gas line. It’s called “CSST” or Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing Corrugated stainless steel tubing or CSST is a flexible metal tubing used to distribute natural gas and propane. It is often protected by a yellow or black plastic polymer. Yellow has been more common […]